Study in Korea

  • 스터디K
  • 유학 필수 준비
  • 출입국관련업무

Part-time job(Arbeit) in Foreign Student

Students who wish to engage in part-time job must obtain permission from the local immigration office or the head of the branch office. If the place of part-time job changes, a notification of change in the part-time employer must be filed.

(1) Part-time employment for foreign students (part-time job)

  • Basic principle: Limited to part-time employment (simple labor, etc.) activities normally performed by students.
    • There are separate qualification guidelines for each type of jobs (e.g., Presidential English Service Scholarship student, conversation instructor, professional interpretation/translation, etc.) when foreign students wish to engage in employment activities falling under the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act [Appendix 1-2].
    • Private tutoring activities could be strictly restricted with matters used as factors of restriction, like the location and target customers.
  • Permission-granting procedure
  • Prepare the employment contract
    Employer and student enter into an employment contract (standard employment contract, hourly rate)
  • Prepare the Confirmation of Employment (for part-time employment)
    The staff responsible for foreign student affairs at the university fills out additional forms
  • Application
    Application is submitted online or in person, along with attached documents
  • A decision is made to grant or deny permission
    Attach the permission sticker or print out the online permission certificate


(2) Eligibility

  • Persons possessing a certain level of proficiency in Korean language and who have been verified by the university's office of foreign student affairs.
    • Those who are holders of D-2-1 ~ D-2-4, D-2-6, D-2-7 visas as sub-categories of the student visa.
    • Persons for whom more than 6 months have passed (date of arrival for visa holders) since changing their visas to language training (D-4-1, D-4-7) or visiting student (D-2-8) visas.
  • Those who failed to meet the graduation requirements due to insufficient GPA and received an exceptional residence permit after their period of study (2 years for an associate's degree, 4 years for a bachelor's degree) has passed are ineligible to apply for permission to work part-time.
    • However, master's degree and PhD candidates who have completed their programs and who are preparing their thesis will be permitted to work part-time. In such cases, persons whose graduation has evidently been delayed due to poor academic performance such as low GPA or low attendance rates will be excluded.
      • The abovementioned permission to work part-time is limited to 30 hours per week, and the regulation allowing work on days off, public holidays, or during vacation periods does not apply.

(3) Number of working hours permitted

Number of working hours permitted by Korean language proficiency level and degree program (effective July 2023)

Number of working hours permitted by Korean language proficiency level and degree program (effective July 2023)
Program year Korean proficiency level
① TOPIK ② Korea Immigration & Integration Program ③ Sejong Institute
Start Date Allowed time Certified University·Outstanding academic performers,
Ounstanding Korean proficiency(Week)
Weekday Weekend·
Vacation period
Language Training - ① Level 2
② Attainment of Level 2 or higher or score of 41 or higher in the preliminary evaluation
③ Attainment of Intermediate 1 level or higher
X Available after 6 months 10 hours 10 hours
O 20 hours 25 hours
Associate degree - ① Level 3
② Attainment of Level 3 or higher or score of 61 or higher in the preliminary evaluation
③ Attainment of Intermediate 1 level or higher
X Available now 10 hours 10 hours
O 25 hours Unlimited 30 hours
Bachelor's degree 1~2 year X Available now 10 hours 10 hours
O 25 hours Unlimited 30 hours
3~4 year ① Level 4
② Attainment of Level 4 or higher or score of 81 or higher in the preliminary evaluation
③ Attainment of Intermediate 2 level or higher
X Available now 10 hours 10 hours
O 25 hours Unlimited 30 hours
Master's degree/PhD - X Available now 15 hours 15 hours
O 30 hours Unlimited 35 hours

※ English track course: Regardless of grade, applicants must have TOEFL of 530 (CBT 197, iBT 71), IELTS of 5.5, CEFR of B2, and TEPS of 601 points (NEW TEPS 327 points) or higher.
Applicants from English-speaking countries are exempted from submitting certificates.

(4) Application documents

  • Passport, alien registration card, application form
  • Confirmation of compliance with international student part-time employment requirements (only in applicable cases)
  • Copy of business registration certificate, standard employment contract
  • Confirmation of compliance with international student part-time employment requirements (only in applicable cases)

    (5) Special exemptions in part-time work permit system (no permission needed)

    • Activities undertaken by persons in their daily lives for which they are compensated, such as receiving remuneration for one-time job, prizes, or other compensation, do not require separate permission as long as such activities do not violate the core purpose of residing in Korea as foreign students.

      (6) Penalty standards for those who work part-time without permission

      • In the case of the construction sector, foreign students will be deported with no exceptions when they are caught for the first time working part-time, regardless of the number times they were caught in the past. They will be granted a reprieve on regulations prohibiting them from entering the country.
          • Scholarship recipients invited by the government who possess “Work/Study Linked Study Abroad” (D-2-7) visas and who graduated from their programs are permitted to pursue employment in a wide range of jobs when they change their residency status to E-7 (Foreign National of Special Ability) visa. The national employment ratio and company size requirements shall no longer apply for professional/semi-professional/general skill jobs.
        • For further information, refer to the Hi Korea ( or Korea Visa Portal website (
        Last modified : 2024-09-24