Study in Korea

  • 스터디K
  • 한국 및 한국유학소개
  • 한국의 교육제도

Eudcation System in Korea

Korea's education system follows a 6-3-3-4 structure, consisting of kindergarten (3 years), elementary school (6 years), middle school (3 years), high school (3 years), and university (4 years). Compulsory education includes 6 years of elementary school and 3 years of middle school, which are provided free of charge.

Additionally, there are university-affiliated language institutes that offer Korean language education. These programs are designed to help international students who come to Korea for degree programs or university admission to study Korean.

⊙ Academic Curriculum

  • Elementary, middle, and high schools operate on a two-semester system each year. The first semester runs from March 1st until a date determined by the head of the school, considering the number of school days, holidays, and curriculum operation. The second semester begins the day after the end of the first semester and continues until the end of February the following year. Between semesters, there are vacation periods, typically with summer break occurring in July to August and winter break in December to February.
  • Types: Junior Colleges (2-3 years), Universities (4-year university), Graduate Schools
    • Graduate Schools

      Graduate programs (Master's and Doctoral programs) are generally offered by 4-year universities, but recently, "graduate schools" that only provide graduate programs without undergraduate programs have also been established.
      Korean graduate schools are divided into general graduate schools focused on academic research and professional graduate schools centered on practical skills.

    • Master's Program

      The duration of the Master's program is at least 2 years. Typically, students are required to earn 24 credits.
      To obtain a Master's degree, students must earn the required credits, pass certain exams, and submit a thesis, which must be reviewed by at least three examiners.

    • Doctoral Program

      The duration of the Doctoral program is at least 3 years. Typically, students are required to earn 36 credits. To obtain a Doctoral degree, students must earn the required credits, pass comprehensive exams, and submit a dissertation, which must be reviewed by at least five examiners.

    • Postdoctoral Program

      This is a program for continuing research after obtaining a Doctoral degree. Currently, many Korean universities invite postdoctoral researchers to carry out research projects, especially as part of the BK21 program.

    • Public Universities

      In Korea, universities are either national universities established and operated by the state or public universities established and operated by local governments.

    • Private Universities

      Private universities are established and operated by educational foundations (private non-profit corporations).

⊙ Korean Language Education

University Language Institutes
Program Introduction

Korean language courses are available at a Korea language institute which many Korean universities offer or at some free Korean language courses. Enrollment at a university language institute is the most preferred method for most students who seek university level education in Korea.

  • - Program period: 20 hours/ week, 10 weeks
  • - Program type: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Immersion Class
  • - Tuition: About 1.2~1.8 million KRW
  • - How to apply: Apply through the language institution webpage
  • ※ The above information is average, and there may be slight differences depending on the university.
  • ※ To enroll in a course offered by a university language institute, students must have a visa (typically D-4 type).
  • ※ The admission approval certificate from the language institute and an ID is also necessary to get a visa. Because different rules apply for Korean embassies in different parts of the world, researching about the specific requirement in each country first is recommended.
  • ※ In case you decide to move to a different language institute during the course, it is wise to have full knowledge of the refund policies of the program in advance.
Last modified : 2024-09-24