• GKS동문 뉴스 - 기숙사 생활 정보, GKS Alumni News. About NIIED Dormitory

    This month for GKS Alumni News, we interviewed, the GKS scholar Eiman Malik from Hanyang University discussed her living experience in the GKS dormitory.

    Dormitory Information

    NIIED Newsletter - Dormitory

    niied.go.kr niied.go.kr niied.go.kr niied.go.kr
GKS Program, Global Korea Scholarship Team (4th Floor)
NIIED(National Institute for International Education)
Jeongjail-ro 191, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13557, Republic of Korea
www.studyinkorea.go.kr kgspniied@korea.kr