Study in Korea

  • 스터디K
  • 유학 필수 준비
  • 평균유학경비

Average cost of studying abroad in Korea

To prepare for a successful student life in a foreign country like Korea, prospective foreign students are encouraged to choose their university and study program after examining the study expenses. Korean public universities receive financial assistance from the government, so tuition is cheaper than that in private universities. Because the tuition also varies by university, those wishing to study in Korea should check the tuition of the university they wish to enroll in before applying.

⊙ Tuition ranges for programs that award degrees

Tuition ranges for programs that award degrees
Degree programs Cost (1st semester, Korean won)
Associate degree 3,000,000 ~ 4,000,000
Bachelor's degree 5,000,000 ~ 7,000,000
Master's degree 6,000,000 ~ 8,000,000
PhD 7,000,000 ~ 9,000,000

※ The exact cost can be checked on each university and University Information ( website.

⊙ Other expenses

To ensure a successful life as a foreign student, it is important for prospective students to take into account other expenses (health insurance, mobile phone fees) related to studying. The average cost of living for an international student in Korea is approximately 750,000 to 1,000,000 won per month. Below is a list of expenses to consider in addition to tuition.

Other expenses
Categories Expected cost (1 month, Korean won)
Housing expenses 500,000~700,000 won
* The dormitory fees vary according to the number of occupants and whether the student signs up for a meal plan.
Meal expenses 200,000~300,000 won
* Cost of a meal in the school cafeteria: 5,000~15,000 won
Transportation expenses 50,000~100,000 won
Other costs 100,000~200,000 won
* Telecom expense (mobile phone, Internet access), health insurance, etc.
Last modified : 2024-09-24