• Nepal

    A new president was selected.
    'GKS Alumni selected a new president and continue to discuss the opportunity for networking and advertising the GKS Program'

    2023년 9월 30일, 네팔 히말라야 호텔 그린홀에서 네팔 GKS 동문회가 개최되었습니다. 본 행사는 동문 14인, 공관 직원 4인을 비롯한 총 30인의 인사가 참석한 가운데, 개회 선언, 양국 국가 개창, 박태영 주 네팔대사 인사말, GKS 홍보사절 위촉장 수여, 동문회 네팔 지회장 인사말, GKS 유학 경험 소개 및 동문 방한 연수 경험 발표, 사진 촬영의 식순으로 진행되었습니다. 이 자리에는 GKS 동문뿐 아니라 KOICA 장학생 동문회(KAAN)와 네팔한국대학동문회(KUAAN) 회원들도 초청되어 각 단체 소개 및 현황을 공유하고 좋은 관계를 형성할 수 있는 시간이 마련되었습니다. Mahendra Prasad Bhatt KUAAN 회장과 Binod Bidari KAAN 회장은 한국 유학이라는 공통점을 바탕으로 GKS 동문회 등 협회 간 네트워킹을 지속 추진해 나가자고 발표하였습니다. 더불어 현재 라미차니 카트만두 대학 부교수로 재직 중인 Ramakanta Lamichhane 동문은 금번 행사를 계기로 동문회 네팔 지회가 정식 발족하게 되어 기쁘다고 하면서 동문들과 함께 앞으로 많은 활동을 펼쳐나가겠다고 발표하였습니다.

    A meeting of the Nepalese GKS alumni was held at Hotel Himalaya (Green Hall) in Nepal. It was attended by 30 people, including 14 GKS alumni and four employees of the Korean Embassy, and began with an opening declaration. This was followed by the national anthems of Nepal and Korea, remarks by Ambassador Park Tae-Young, award of a letter of appointment for GKS promotion, the greetings by the president of the Nepal GKS Alumni, Presentations to share GKS experiences, an “open mike” session, networking session, and group photographs were held during this GKS meeting. The meeting was also attended by members of KAAN (KOICA Alumni Association of Nepal) and KUAAN (Korean Universities Alumni Association Nepal), who introduced their organizations’ objectives and current status and there was opportunity for networking. KUAN Chairman Mahendra Prasad Bhat and KAAN Chairman Binod Bidari announced that they will continue to promote networking among the associations, including the GKS Alumni Association In addition, Alumni Ramakanta Lamichhane, who is currently an associate professor at the University of Kathmandu in Ramichani, said that he was happy to officially launch the Nepal GKS Alumni Association on this occasion, and announced that he would actively carry out various activities in the coming future.

GKS Program, Global Korea Scholarship Team (4th Floor)
NIIED(National Institute for International Education)
Jeongjail-ro 191, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13557, Republic of Korea
www.studyinkorea.go.kr kgspniied@korea.kr