A Korea Scholarship Awards
'Awarding GKS Scholarship certificate and networking with GKS seniors.'
2023월 11월8일, 라오스 비엔티안 크라운 플라자 호텔에서 라오스 GKS 동문회가 개최되었습니다. 본 행사는 동문 15인, 공관직원 5인을 비롯한 총 44인의 인사가 참석한 가운데, 정영수 대사 인사말, 장학증서 수여, 동문 발표, 단체 사진 촬영, 선배와의 네트워킹, 격려사, 오찬의 식순으로 진행되었습니다.
본 행사를 통해 GKS 동기 장학생들 간의 유대감이 형성되었고, 사전 동문 네트워크가 구축되었습니다. 더불어, 기관 간 협업을 통해 앞으로 GKS 행사의 효율성을 높이고, GKS 행사의 홍보 효과가 증대될 것으로 기대했습니다.
The Laos GKS Alumni Association was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Vientiane, Laos. The event was attended by a total of 44 individuals, including 15 alumni and 5 embassy officials. The program included a welcome address by Ambassador Jung Young-soo, awarding GKS scholarship certificate, alumni presentations, group photo sessions, networking with GKS seniors, words of encouragement and a luncheon. Through this event, a sense of friendship and connectivity among GKS scholarship recipients was fostered, and a preliminary alumni network was established. Additionally, it was anticipated that the collaboration with institutions would enhance the efficiency of future GKS alumni events and would also help in the promotion of the same.