2023년 8월 30일, 국립국제교육원은 GKS장학생들의 졸업을 축하하기 위해 졸업축하 환송회를 마련했습니다. 졸업한 모든 학자들은 GKS 프로그램으로 학업 여정을 마무리하면서 수료증을 받았습니다. 이 행사는 모두가 함께 즐길 수 있는 포토존, GKS 역사 전시 존, 셀프 포토 부스 스튜디오 등이 마련되었습니다.
행사는 음악공연, 한국 무용 공연 등을 포함 행사에 활력을 더했고, 저녁 만찬에서는 NIIED 공동체 안에서 졸업생과 장학생이 함께 교류 하며 유대감을 형성 하고 서로의 업적을 함께 축하하는 즐거운 공동 만찬으로 막을 내렸습니다.
On August 30, 2023, the National Institute for International Education (NIIED) organized a remarkable event to honor the achievements of the graduate students. All graduating scholars were presented with their well-deserved certificates, marking the culmination of their academic journey with the GKS program. The event was brimming with excitement, offering a variety of engaging activities for everyone to enjoy.
From photo zones capturing unforgettable memories to GKS historical exhibition zones showcasing cultural richness, there was something for everyone. Attendees had the opportunity to capture personalized moments in specially curated self-photo studio zones, adding a touch of trendiness to the festivities. The talented scholars showcased their diverse talents through captivating performances, including dance and musical performances, which added an extra layer of vibrancy to the event. The evening culminated in a delightful communal dinner, where participants bonded over shared experiences and celebrated their achievements together. As the event drew to a close, participants immortalized the memories with group pictures, cherishing the camaraderie and unity forged during this special occasion. The graduation event was a testament to the dedication and hard work of the scholars, as well as the unwavering support of the NIIED community.