If you want to study in Korea, you have to pass at least level 3 of the Korean Language Proficiency Test (level 2 for science and engineering and arts and physical education fields).
Applications for admission are usually closed from September to November for the spring semester (March admission), and from May to June for the fall semester (September admission).
Since the admission documents and application period vary by university, those wishing to study abroad should check the document submission deadline in advance through the university's
For school search, please refer to www.studyinkorea.go.kr → University Search.
I want to learn Korean.
If you need to study Korean before entering a degree program in Korea, you can learn Korean at a Korean language institute affiliated with the university. Language schools offer regular
courses and short-term courses. The regular course is generally a 10-week course in spring, summer, fall, and winter semesters. The short-term course differs by school. It may be a 3-week
course during the vacation season, or a 6-week course depending on the school. For regular courses, tuition is 1.5 to 1.8 million won per semester. The program structure and admission
procedures are listed on each school's website, so please select first the school you want and then apply through the school's website.
You can search for a language school through http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr → Korean Language Learning → Learning Korean in Korea (Korean Language Institute Guide).
Please tell me about the TOPIK test schedule and how I can apply for the test.
The Korean Language Proficiency Test is conducted six times a year (January, March, April, July, October, and November), and specific dates can be found on the Korean Language Proficiency
Test website at the beginning of the year. The evaluation grades for the Test of Proficiency in Korean are divided into TOPIKⅠ (levels 1 to 2) for beginners and TOPIKⅡ (levels 3 to 6) for
intermediate and advanced students. A person's evaluation level is determined based on the test score.
Detailed information on the Test of Proficiency in Korean can be found on the Test of Proficiency in Korean website (http://www.topik.go.kr).
Korean Proficiency Test main phone number: +82-2-3668-1331
I want to transfer to a Korean university.
Generally, the admission process for transfer students takes place concurrently with the freshman admission schedule. After
exploring schools and choosing the one you want, prepare the documents according to the school's recruitment guidelines. To search for a school, please refer to www.studyinkorea.go.kr →
University Information → University Search. Transfer admission requirements differ from school to school but in general, to be eligible for admission as a transfer student, both parents and
applicant must be foreigners; you must have graduated from a regular high school in Korea or abroad and completed at least 2 years at a 4-year university, and you must be seeking to transfer
to the relevant school in your 3rd year of school. You are also eligible for admission as a transfer student if you are a foreign national (parents do not have to be one) who has completed
the entire regular school curriculum equivalent to elementary, middle, and high school in Korea, and you have completed at least 2 years at a 4-year university and you are seeking to transfer
to the relevant school in your 3rd year of school.
Please tell me which university has a department that teaches only in English and not in Korean.
For schools offering English classes, go to www.studyinkorea.go.kr → University Search → Search “Yes” in the English-only tab to
find schools that offer English-only courses. For more information, please contact your desired school.
Please tell me about study visa.
After receiving an admission letter, students wishing to study abroad in Korea must prepare the necessary documents for entry into Korea and subsequently obtain a study visa from the Korean
embassy or consulate in their home country. Typically, international students intending to enroll in a full-time degree program are required to obtain a D-2 visa, whereas those planning to
pursue a non-degree program (such as language training, cultural training, or industrial training) must secure a D-4 visa.
Eligibility for D-2 visa
-A person who received regular education (bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree) for junior college, university, or graduate school established under the provisions of the Higher Education
Act or an academic institution higher than a junior college established under the provisions of a special law or a person who wishes to conduct research on a specific field.
Eligibility for D-4 visa
-A person who wishes to study Korean at a language school affiliated with a university.
-A person who wishes to engage in educational or training activities or conduct research in education institutions, companies, or organizations other than educational institutions or research
institutions associated with the D-2 student visa.
-A person seeking to receive education at an educational institution other than those associated with the D-2 student visa.
-A person seeking to receive technical training at any national or public research institution.
-A person seeking to receive education or training or conduct research as an intern at a company funded by a foreign investor or a company that made investments overseas.
Where can I get employment-related information?
Employment-related information can be found at www.studyinkorea.go.kr → Employment → Employment Information. A job fair for foreign students is also held every year by the National Institute
for International Education and KOTRA.
Job fair for international students: jobfair.contactkorea.go.kr
KOTRA Overseas Professional Human Resources Attraction Center: www.contactkorea.go.kr
Please tell me about scholarship programs.
Scholarship programs operated by the National Institute for International Education include the Exchange Student Support Program.
Detailed information on each scholarship can be found at www.studyinkorea.go.kr → Scholarship → GKS Government Scholarship.
Please tell me when KGSP support is available.
Every September~October, information on how government-invited foreign scholarship recipients can apply for admission to
professional degree- and undergraduate degree-awarding educational programs are posted on the website of StudyinKorea (www.studyinkorea.go.kr.) Students are admitted for the semester
beginning March of the following year. The application guidelines for government-invited foreign graduate school scholarship students are also posted on the website in February and are based
on the September admission. Please check the application guidelines for the document submission period.
Please tell me about the Exchange Student Support Program.
The Exchange Student Support Program is a scholarship project that provides foreign university students who came as exchange
students with an opportunity to understand Korean culture and study in Korea. If you wish to be considered for this program, you must first receive a recommendation from a Korean university,
so please contact the International Affairs Office of each university and apply individually.
Can I get a scholarship at a Korean language school?
There are generally no scholarships awarded to newly enrolled students. It varies from school to school, but there are situations
wherein students with excellent grades and good attendance get selected each semester and receive scholarship money equivalent to 10-50% of tuition. For further details, please check the
website of each school’s Korean language school. As a side note, the Korea Foundation (http://www.kf.or.kr/) provides Korean Language Fellowships to overseas Korean studies scholars, graduate
students majoring in Korean studies, and people working in Korea-related jobs so that they can learn Korean in a structured manner in an immersive learning environment at domestic
Please tell me about other scholarships besides the National Institute for International Education Scholarship.
In addition to the National Institute for International Education's GKS Scholarship, many companies and foundations including POSCO TJ Park Foundation, Korea Foundation, Daewoong Enterprises,
and Hansae Yes24 Cultural Foundation operate scholarship programs for foreign students.
www.studyinkorea.go.kr → Scholarship → Other scholarship → Corporate and foundation scholarship
Are there any scholarship programs for high school students?
Currently, scholarship programs for high school students include the Korea-Japan Joint Science and Engineering Program for
domestic students and the Korea-Japan Exchange Program. However, there are no scholarship programs for high school students with foreign nationalities.
Can high school students study abroad in Korea?
A foreigner who wants to attend a regular high school in Korea must be fluent in Korean and able to understand all subjects. If
you wish to enroll in a school, please contact the local education office or school directly.
Consultation by telephone and by visiting the NIIED in person
We at NIIE provide information on studying in Korea to international students
and help those studying in the country succeed in their studies by listening to their personal problems and offering counseling services.
What are the topics of the consultations?
Information on studying abroad in Korea, scholarships, schools, entrance exams, life in Korea, etc.
Who are eligible to receive consultations?
People studying abroad in Korea or interested in studying abroad in the country.
Consultation hours by language
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
Mon~Fri 9:00 ~ 18:00
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