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    Employment in Korea

    Check the employment status of international students
    in Korea and explore various job opportunities.

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      Attracting and Supporting International Students

      In response to a decrease in the school-age population and to support the globalization of higher education, Korea is actively working to expand the attraction of international students

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      Enhancing Educational Mobility Through Student Exchange

      The Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) program invites outstanding young individuals from around the world, providing tuition and living expenses to help them complete degree programs at Korean universities, fostering global talent that is friendly to and knowledgeable about Korea.

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      Strengthening Educational and Research Collaboration Between Domestic and Overseas Universities

      Korea promotes joint growth in higher education by strengthening educational and research collaborations with overseas universities. This includes joint research with international scholars and the operation of hybrid online and offline joint educational programs to facilitate exchange.

    • Award-winning photos and videos
      from the GKS Scholars’ Memories in Korea Contest.


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    From Studies to Employment

    The number of international students who wish to work in Korea after graduation is increasing.
    To support these students, dedicated job platforms for foreigners are available, and the Ministry of Education is expanding employment opportunities to help students find suitable jobs.

    “More than 8 out of 10 international students
    in Korea want to find employment here. ”

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    • Currently exploring job opportunities in Korea Currently exploring job opportunities in Korea
    • Planning to look into it.중 Planning to look into it.
    • Already successfully employed in Korea. 한 비율 Already successfully employed in Korea.
    • Not interested in finding a job in Korea. Not interested in finding a job in Korea.

    Top 5 Desired Employment Sectors for International Students

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    Job Preparation Methods

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    Unit : %
    Source : Job Korea Foreign Talent Recruitment Service Click, Survey of 156 International Students in Korea, Multiple Responses

    Job Opportunities and Position Types

    There are numerous opportunities for international students to find employment in various fields.
    Depending on their major, nationality, and language skills, international students can find diverse jobs and roles. It is recommended to seek positions related to their major and practical experiences.

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      Language Teacher

      Responsible for teaching foreign languages such as Korean, English, Chinese, etc.

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      Interpreter and Translator

      Handles multilingual translation tasks.

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      Trade and Tourism Roles

      Provides tourism information and guidance services for foreign tourists.

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      Automotive, Shipbuilding, Aviation, and Railway Engineering Specialist

      Researches, designs, and consults on engines used in automobiles, ships, airplanes, and railways, as well as supervises, controls, and advises on their manufacturing and operation.

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      Medical Coordinator

      Provides comprehensive services for foreign patients, including guidance and support for medical visits,
      appointment scheduling, interpretation, and customer management.

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      IT Sector Roles

      Handles roles such as software development, system operation, and network management in the IT field.

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      Design Field

      Handles various design tasks such as UI/UX, web design, advertising, graphic design, and fashion design.

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      Marketing Tasks

      Responsible for tasks such as multilingual content creation, exploring overseas markets, customer support, and marketing promotions.

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      Academic Research Field

      Handles positions such as research assistant, teaching assistant, or researcher at universities and companies.

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      HR, Accounting, and Management Fields

      Handles HR, accounting, and management roles within companies.

    Job Preparation Process

    International students can begin job seeking after converting their student visa to a job-seeking visa.
    Internship opportunities in Korea are available for up to 6 months, and students can transition from short-term internships to long-term employment after graduation.
    Long-term employment is also possible immediately after graduation. Be sure to check the Korean Language Proficiency Recognition Criteria before applying for jobs.

    Korean Language Proficiency Recognition Standards

    1. 1
      Completion of Level 5 in the Social Integration Program or Passing the Comprehensive Evaluation TOPIK Level 5 or Higher
      Verification Documents
      • Certificate of Completion for the Social Integration Program (Korean Immigration Residency Eligibility Course)
      • Certificate of Completion for the Social Integration Program (Korean Immigration Naturalization Eligibility Course)
      • KIPRAT (Korean Immigration Permanent Residency Aptitude Test) Pass Certificate
      • KINAT (Korean Immigration Naturalization Aptitude Test) Pass Certificate
      • TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) Score Certificate (Including IBT TOPIK Score Certificate)
      Points 20 Points
    2. 2
      ② Completion of Level 4 in the Social Integration Program or Passing the Midterm Evaluation Pre-evaluation Score of 81 or Higher
      Verification Documents
      • Documents corresponding to 1 above
      • Confirmation of Social Integration Program Education (Completion of Level 4 or Higher Must Be Noted)
      • KLCT (Korean Language and Culture Test) Pass Certificate (※ Midterm Evaluation Pass Certificate)
      • Social Integration Program Evaluation Transcript (Pre-evaluation scores must be included)
      Points 15 Points
    3. 3
      Completion of Level 3 in the Social Integration Program or Pre-evaluation Score of 61 or Higher TOPIK Level 3 or Higher
      Verification Documents
      • Documents corresponding to either 1 or 2 above
      • Confirmation of Social Integration Program Education (Completion of Level 3 or Higher must be noted)
      • Social Integration Program Evaluation Transcript (Pre-evaluation scores must be included)
      Points 10 Points
    4. 4
      Completion of Level 2 in the Social Integration Program or Pre-evaluation Score of 41 or Higher TOPIK Level 2 or Higher
      Verification Documents
      • Documents corresponding to either 1, 2, or 3 above
      • Confirmation of Social Integration Program Education (Completion of Level 2 or higher must be noted)
      • Social Integration Program Evaluation Transcript (Pre-evaluation scores must be included)
      Points 5 Points

    Completion and assessment certificates for each stage of the Social Integration Program are recognized without an expiration date. Pre-assessment results are valid for 2 years from the date of announcement, and TOPIK scores are valid for 2 years as indicated on the certificate.

    Source : Ministry of Justice, Immigration Management Division, Korean Language Proficiency Criteria 2024/05/14 standards

    Certificates Beneficial for Employment

    Preparing for certifications required for employment depends on the specific field and job position. It is recommended to review the requirements for the desired position or company before pursuing certifications.

    • TOPIK
      (Test of Proficiency in Korean)

      Most Korean companies require a certain level of Korean language proficiency for daily communication and job performance.
      (TOPIK Level 4 or above is typically required.)

    • TOEIC, TOEIC Speaking, OPIC

      English proficiency certifications or certifications in other languages

    • Computer-Related

      Certifications such as Computer Specialist
      in Spreadsheet & Database Levels 1 and 2 or Industrial Engineer Office Automation

    • Job-Specific

      Required certifications vary depending on the job (IT field: CCNA, MCP, RHCE, CEH, etc., Finance field: Securities Certifications, Teaching Korean: Korean Language Teaching Certification)

    Experience and Education Beneficial for Employment

    Relevant experience such as internships or proof of work experience in the desired field, as well as university degrees and academic majors, can be advantageous when applying to some companies.

    Pre-Employment Checklist

    • Opening a Bank Account
    • Verification of Four Major Insurance Coverages(National Pension, Health Insurance, Employment Insurance, and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance)
    • Drafting a Work Contract
      A work contract is an agreement between Employee and employer that specifies the terms of employment.
      The contract includes salary, job responsibilities, company benefits, vacation and etc.

    Types of Employment Contracts

    Full-Time Employment

    Full-time employment refers to permanent employment where employees work designated hours and receive a fixed salary.

    Contract-Based Employment

    Contract-based employment involves a fixed-term agreement where employees work for a specific period. They receive a set salary and work designated hours, similar to full-time employees.

    Part-Time Jobs (Alba)

    Part-time jobs typically involve temporary or limited working hours and are often paid on an hourly basis.
    The above types of employment contracts are common; however, variations may exist depending on the company or industry. Foreigners are advised to consult with the respective company or relevant organizations to obtain detailed information on employment contracts in Korea.

    Workplace Life

    Corporate Hierarchy

    Korean companies generally have a distinct corporate hierarchy, with specific roles and responsibilities assigned to each level.
    The typical hierarchy order is as follows: CEO, General Manager (Bujang), Deputy General Manager (Chajang), Manager (Gajang), Assistant Manager (Daeri), and Employee/Staff (Sawon).
    Each company or department may have its own hierarchy, so reviewing the organization chart is recommended.


    In Korean companies, titles often vary depending on seniority or position. It is common to add "ssi" or "nim" after the name of a senior or superior. In contrast,
    colleagues or juniors are typically addressed by their names without additional titles.

    Working Hours and Lunch Breaks

    Working Hours
    Working Hours

    Typically, working hours are from 9 AM to 6 PM, but some companies may have different schedules.
    It is advisable to confirm the working hours before joining.

    Lunch Break
    Lunch Break

    In Korean companies, lunch breaks are usually fixed. Some workplaces allow employees to dine on-site.
    Typically, lunch breaks last about one hour, from 12 PM to 1 PM.

    Work-Related Expressions

    Introduction and Self-Introduction

    [회사/부서]에 [직책]로 근무하고 있습니다. (I work as [position] in [company/department].)
    제 전문 분야는 [전문 분야]입니다. (My area of expertise is [area of expertise].)

    Useful Expressions for Writing Emails

    이메일을 보내 드립니다. (I am writing this email to...)
    제안 드립니다. (I would like to propose.)
    추가 질문이 있으면 언제든지 연락 주세요. (If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.)

    Work-Related Expressions

    논의할 사항이 있습니다. (I have some matters to discuss.)
    기한이 얼마 남지 않았습니다. (The deadline is approaching)
    예산을 검토해야 합니다. (We need to review the budget.)
    계약 조건을 협의해야 합니다. (We need to negotiate the contract terms.)
    제안 드립니다. (I would like to make a suggestion.)

    Meeting-Related Expressions

    회의 일정을 잡겠습니다. (I will schedule a meeting.)
    회의에 참석해 주세요. (Please attend the meeting.)
    회의 주제는 [주제]입니다. (The topic of the meeting is [topic].)

    Approval-Related Expressions

    이 문서를 결재해 주세요. (Please approve this document.)
    결재자를 지정해야 합니다. (We need to designate an approver.)
    결재 완료되면 알려드리겠습니다. (I will inform you once the approval is completed.)

    These expressions are useful for general business communication. Choose the appropriate expressions based on the actual situation and practice using them.

    Korean Wage Levels

    The average wage of Korean workers exceeds 90% of the OECD average, and the gap continues to narrow.

    Korean Wage Levels
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    • Korea OECD Average
    • Unit : USD,

      Source : OECD

    Wages and Working Conditions for Foreign Workers

    • 1 Prohibition of Discrimination Against Foreign Workers

      Employers shall not treat foreign workers unfairly due to their status as foreign workers.(Article 22 of the Act on the Employment of Foreign Workers, etc.).

    • 2 Preparation of Standard Employment Contracts

      Employers must use a standard employment contract when hiring foreign workers.(Regulation Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Act on the Employment of Foreign Workers, etc.)
      Violations may result in a fine of up to 5 million KRW. (Article 32, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the Act on the Employment of Foreign Workers, etc.)

    • 3 Direct, Full, and Regular Payment of Wages

      Wages must be paid directly, in full, and on a regular basis at least once a month on a fixed date, in cash. (Article 43 of the Labor Standards Act)
      Violations of this regulation may result in imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 30 million KRW. Prosecution cannot be initiated against the explicit will of the victim in such cases. (Article 109 of the Labor Standards Act)

    • 4 Payment of Wages Above Minimum Wage

      The wage levels of foreign workers do not necessarily need to match those of domestic workers and may vary based on experience and productivity.

    Source : National Law Information Center | Booklet>Employment of Foreign Workers

    Recruitment Platforms for Hiring Foreigners

    There are various recruitment websites available for international students seeking employment in Korea.
    It is recommended to regularly check the websites of companies you are interested in, as well as domestic and international private recruitment platforms, city/provincial offices,
    or university foreign employment support centers and community activities for job opportunities.

    'Study in Korea’ International Student Support Employment Platform


    Study in Korea Recruitment Information

    The Study in Korea Employment Platform facilitates the connection between domestic companies and talented individuals. It provides support for international students seeking employment, including opportunities in global job markets and overseas positions.


    Saramin Recruitment Information

    Provides a reliable matching service through foreigner authentication Supports translations into 30 languages, including English, Chinese, and Vietnamese, for foreigners who are not proficient in Korean


    Job Korea Recruitment Information

    A dedicated service connecting domestic companies with foreign job seekers, offering companies tailored talent recruitment opportunities and providing foreigners with suitable domestic job information


    Wanted Lab Recruitment Information

    A dedicated recruitment service, 'Wanted Lab Global,' for foreign talents seeking employment in Korea Facilitates recruitment for foreigners aiming to work in digital job sectors

    Ministry of SMEs and Startups Recruitment Information

    Ministry of SMEs and Startups Recruitment Information

    Provides export-oriented training through universities and SME training centers, with employment linkage to domestic SMEs or their overseas branches upon course completion


    Incruit Recruitment Information

    Provides detailed recruitment information for all employment levels, from internships to senior-level positions


    Worknet Recruitment Information

    A recruitment information site operated by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Employment Information Service, facilitating employment linkage under the Employment Permit System between foreign workers and employers


    Recruitment Process

    Work at a Korean company, the following process is generally followed.

    • 1 Review Job Announcements

      Job announcements from Korean companies can be found on company websites or recruitment platforms, where you can learn about job roles and responsibilities.

    • 2 Application Submission

      Applications and resumes must be submitted according to the job posting requirements. Your application and resume should include details about your experience, education, and certifications, as well as your reasons for applying. Importantly, as interviews will be based on the content of your documents, ensure your cover letter clearly demonstrates your capabilities and how they align with the job responsibilities.

    • 3 Document Screening

      The company evaluates applicants' academic background, work experience, certifications, and language skills based on the submitted documents.

    • 4 Interview Process

      During the interview, the applicant's personality, competencies, and technical skills are assessed. Depending on the company, the process may include a first-round technical interview, a second-round personality interview, or stages like a first-round technical and presentation interview followed by a second-round executive interview.

    • 5 Final Selection

      The final candidates for employment are selected.

    The above process represents a typical recruitment procedure but may vary by company. In addition, international
    students must follow extra steps, such as obtaining a work visa, so they should not only understand the domestic recruitment process but also check the employment qualifications and document requirements.

    Applying for Job Announcements

    Choosing a Resume Format: If the company provides a specific format for resumes and cover letters (application forms), download it and fill in the information without altering the format. If no specific format is provided, use a general template including basic information, educational background, work experience, and certifications.

    Writing a Resume

    1.Filling Out Educational Background

    Include degree completion, major, and graduation year.
    List educational details starting from the highest level, such as university, graduate school, high school, middle school, and elementary school. (Typically, only the highest and penultimate educational levels are listed)

    2.Filling Out Work Experience

    List work experiences such as internships and projects in reverse chronological order, including company name, employment period, position, and job description.

    3.Listing Certifications and Language Scores

    Include certifications, awards, special activities, and language test scores. (Especially mention Korean proficiency if applicable)

    Writing a Cover Letter

    Write to reflect your understanding of and interest in the company and role, showcasing job-related competencies through examples of your experiences.

    Review and Edit

    Thoroughly check the resume and cover letter for spelling, grammar, and logical flow, and make necessary edits.

    Submitting the Application

    When submitting via email, attach your resume, cover letter, and copies of certifications.

    Final Submission

    After submitting through the company’s recruitment website, you may not be able to view your application, so save your content before the final submission.
    For email submissions, use a subject line like “[Job Application] Company Name/Job Title_OOO (Your Name)” and briefly include a greeting and purpose of the email in the body.