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Study in Korea Supporters
A community of passionate and creative international students who collaborate to promote and share their study abroad experiences in Korea.
GKS Scholarship
A dedicated community for international students interested in the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) program.
International Student Association in Korea
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Useful Resources
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GKS Scholarship
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our visit
More Study Abroad Information
Various Scholarship Opportunities
Explore scholarship programs offered by the Korean government, universities, and private organizations for international students.
AI Kori Online Consultation
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View moreInternational Student Interview
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Recap of Graduation Day - Show off my School
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🍒 체리의 이야기 🍒 Interview with International Student
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International Student Association in Korea
View moreSNS
Official student organization committed to promote fellowship among Filipino students in South Korea
Study in Korea Supporters
The video has been produced based on the content created by the 2023 supporters over the past year. (Created by Aprilia Ruli)
Society of Nepalese Students in Korea-SONSIK
Society of Nepalese Students in Korea-SONSIK is a nonprofit organization, which is the sole student organization of Nepalese students and academicians.