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    World-Class Technology and Future

    Korea is a global leader in advanced science and technology, spearheading various fields worldwide.

    Korea, a Nation of Advanced Science and Technology

    Renowned global investment institutions predict that Korea will become Asia's largest economic power.
    Many experts foresee continuous growth, with Korea leading the world in various fields.

    “Korea will establish itself as Asia's largest economic powerhouse.
    Per capita GDP will double by 2025, and
    its technological prowess and
    cultural dynamism will astonish the world.

    <France Futurologist, Jacques Attali>


    Korea Joins the Ranks of Advanced Nations
    The World's 7th Member of the "30-50 Club"

    대한민국 flag
    Korea 2019
    • 영국flag United Kingdom 2004
    • 독일flag Germany 2004
    • 이탈리아flag Italy 2005
    • 프랑스flag France 2004
    • 미국flag United States 1996
    • 일본flag Japan 1992

    What is the "30-50 Club"?
    The "30-50 Club" refers to advanced nations with a per capita income exceeding $30,000 and a population of over 50 million.

    Source : Naver Knowledge Encyclopedia, Current Affairs Glossary, 2019

    Ranked 1st in the ICT Development Index

    대한민국 flag
    Overall Score: 8.84 / 152 Countries
    statis-ict student satisfying

    What is the ITU Development Index?
    This index comprehensively evaluates countries' accessibility, usage, and capability in ICT to measure the level of ICT development and the information gap between nations..

    Source: Ranked 1st among 152 countries surveyed, International Telecommunication Union (ITU, 2016)

    World’s No.1 Export Market Share Item

    Memory Semiconductors
    Memory Semiconductors
    Maintained 1st Position from 2019 to 2023
    Export Value 53.162
    Export Value
    Market Share 29.9%
    Market Share

    Unit: Million USD, %
    Source : Korea International Trade Association (2021)

    Dedicated to Strengthening AI Technology

    AI lies at the heart of various global industrial transformations.

    From databases, autonomous networks, big data, IoT, blockchain, to quantum computing, AI is interconnected with nearly all IT
    technologies in our daily lives, fostering the development of innovations like serverless computing and lightweight AI.
    Korea continues to conduct strategic research to ensure survival and success in future markets.

    Dynamic Technological Capabilities in Semiconductors, Machinery, Chemicals, Shipbuilding, and Automotive Industries

    Korea's key industries inspire hope among international students pursuing education in the country.

    The semiconductor industry is expected to create approximately 3,000 jobs due to a booming high-value memory market.
    The shipbuilding industry anticipates approximately 7,000 new jobs as global ship orders increase.
    Korea's technological advancements and expanding market demand offer abundant opportunities for international students.

    Future Technology: Metaverse

    What is the Metaverse?

    The term "Metaverse" combines "Meta" (beyond or transcending) and "Universe."
    The Metaverse is undoubtedly transforming our lives, driven by technologies such as VR, AR, MR, and XR.
    It is being integrated into various industries, including IT, healthcare, manufacturing, music, shopping, gaming, military, and education, shaping the future.

    • VR(Virtual Reality)
      VR(Virtual Reality)

      A digital world distinct from the real one Beyond Reality
      Experience virtual environments created by computers

    • VR(Virtual Reality)
      AR(Augmented Reality)

      A technology that overlays virtual information on the real world
      Interactive technology combining real and virtual realities

    • MR(Mixed Reality)
      MR(Mixed Reality)

      A combination of VR and AR technologies A blend of the real and virtual worlds with interactive elements
      A technology that integrates human senses, such as hearing and touch

    • XR(eXtended Reality)
      XR(eXtended Reality)

      A combination of VR, AR, and MR technologies
      Integrates the real and virtual worlds Offers an expanded and novel experience