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Terms and Conditions (Mandatory Information)

Study in Korea System

The following is information regarding the comprehensive support service provided for international students on the Study in Korea Information Management System (hereinafter referred to as 'SIMS').

Chapter 1. General

Article 1. (Objective)

The 'User Agreement' defines pertinent information that the user needs to know in order to use the comprehensive services for international students on the SIMS Web site. The information includes (but is not limited to) conditions and procedures on the use of the Web site as well as the rights, obligations and responsibilities of both the SIMS and the user.

Article 2. (Effects and Change of the Agreement)

  1. 1. SIMS services will be provided upon the user's approval of the following End User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as 'EUA'). Once approved, the EUA applies to all services provided by SIMS and users using those services. It will take precedence over any and all other agreements, unless otherwise specified.
  2. 2. SIMS may change the terms of this EUA without prior notice, and the revised terms will be effective as soon as it is posted. The changes must be posted on the Web site so that the user may review the changes should the need arise. If, at any point, the user does not approve of the revised terms, they may cancel their membership registration (referred to as 'Withdraw'). Continued use of the service, however, will be considered as an agreement to the altered terms of the EUA.

Article 3 (Regulations beyond the EUA)

  1. 1. If necessary, SIMS can set separate terms or regulations for its individual services (hereinafter referred to as ‘Individual Service Guideline’). Should the EUA conflict with any Individual Service Guideline, the Individual Service Guideline shall take precedence.
  2. 2. Terms that are not stated in this guideline will follow acts and other regulations on related laws and common practices.

Article 4 (Definition of Terms)

The terms used in this document are defined as follows:
  1. 1. 'User': Those receiving services from Study in Korea Information Management System (SIMS), based on the EUA.
  2. 2. 'Registration': The activity where the user fills out the required information on the application form and agrees to the EUA, thereby sealing the service contract.>
  3. 3. 'Member': Individuals and corporations that have registered by providing required information to the Web site, and uses services and information provided by SIMS. These individuals include, but are not limited to, overseas Koreans and international residents in Korea.
  4. 4. 'Password': Combination of letters and numbers set by the member for the purpose of identification and protection of privacy.
  5. 5. 'Withdrawal': Termination of the service contract by the member.>
  6. 6. Terms not defined in this EUA will be stated in individual service guidelines.

Chapter 2. Provision and Use of Service

Article 5 (Completion of EUA)

  1. 1. The EUA will be completed and become effective immediately after the user completes the sign-up process by providing required information on a specified online form that is provided by SIMS
  2. 2. SIMS reserves the right to revoke or deny a user's membership under any of the following conditions:
    1. 1) The user creates an account or applies using another individual’s information.
    2. 2) The information provided during the sign-up process is false or misleading.
    3. 3) The purpose of the membership was to act against social regulations, order or public morals.
    4. 4) The user interferes with other members’ use of the service, or the user is found stealing another individual's information.
    5. 5) The user is accessing the Web site for activities that are against the law or terms of this EUA.
    6. 6) The user did not satisfy other application requirements set by SIMS.
  3. 3. SIMS reserves the right to hold the completion of the user's EUA until the following conditions are resolved:
    1. 1) If resources related to its services become insufficient.
    2. 2) In cases of technical failure.
  4. 4. Although services provided by SIMS are unified in nature, its components may be either self-developed or jointly coordinated with other organizations. Thus, any specific service may be altered as long as the changes are notified to the users.

Article 6 (Withdrawal)

  1. 1. If, for any reason, the user decides to discontinue receiving services provided by SIMS, they may withdraw (terminate) their membership at any time.
  2. 2. Should the user withdraw from SIMS, their personal information will be deleted in principle, but the information and posts for studying in Korea will be kept for future reference.
  3. 3. Should the user withdraw from SIMS, and choose to re-join at a later time, the user must create a new user ID.

Article 7 (Protection & Use of Member Information)

  1. 1. The user's personal information will be subjected to the SIMS Privacy Policy.
  2. 2. SIMS member information is collected, used, managed and protected as follows:
    1. 1) Collection of personal information: The Web site collects the user's personal information from what is provided when they initially registers as a member.
    2. 2) Use of personal information: SIMS will not reveal or distribute the user's personal information to any third parties without the user's consent. However, in accordance with the regulations and other related laws, exceptions are made when it is requested by Government Agencies or Law Enforcement for criminal investigation or other related decrees. In addition, information may be shared with other organizations for unified management of the user's information between SIMS and the secondary organization. Lastly, no effort will be made to protect information that the user chooses to disclose voluntarily.
    3. 3) Management of personal information: In the interest of security and ease of management, the user may modify or delete their personal information at any time, including information that is considered unnecessary or irrelevant.
    4. 4) Protection of personal information: The user's personal information can only be viewed, modified or deleted by the user, and this management is based solely on one's Login ID and Password. Therefore, the user's Login ID and Password must NOT be disclosed to other parties, and it is important to log out and close all Internet browsers after the user finishes using SIMS services. This will be especially important in public places, such as the library or Internet cafe.
  3. 3. By registering, the user implies that they have agreed to the aforementioned terms, which gives SIMS permission to collect and use the user's personal information as stated in the EUA.

Article 8 (Security of Member Information)

  1. 1. After the completion of the registration procedures, the user must take responsibility for the security of their own information. The user will be responsible for any outcomes resulting from the use of their login ID and password.
  2. 2. The user will bear responsibilities for the management of their login ID and password. If the user becomes aware of illegal use of their ID and password, the user must report to SIMS in a timely manner. The user will be held responsible for all activities that result from a failure to report it.
  3. 3. The user must completely log out after using SIMS services. Should the user fail to sign out after a session, SIMS will not be held responsible for any resulting damages or losses.

Article 9 (Availability of Service)

  1. 1. SIMS services will be available 24 hours a day, for seven days a week, in the absence of technical or business-related issues.
  2. 2. Specific dates or times set by SIMS (on demand, for periodic checking, etc.) will be considered as an exception of Section 1 of this user agreement.
  3. 3. SIMS has the right to subsidize its services and set an additional period of use for each subsidized services. Users will be notified of changes made by SIMS.

Article 10 (Suspension of Service and Notification of the Suspension)

  1. 1. If SIMS must temporarily suspend its services, the notice will be issued at least a week in advance. However, in the event of unavoidable or unforeseeable reasons such as national crisis, blackout, congestion of service use or emergency inspection/installation/replacement of the system, the one-week period for notification may be reduced or exempted.
  2. 2. Should the SIMS service be closed permanently due to internal technical issues, a notice will be issued at least a month in advance.

Article 11 (Restriction of Service)

  1. 1. If the information that the user provides is proven to be false, or if there are legitimate reasons to believe that they are, the Web site may suspend your use of any or all of its services. In the event of such suspension, SIMS will not be held responsible for any resulting drawbacks.
  2. 2. This Web site may restrict or suspend the user's use of its services, or even block the user's access completely if they act against Article 15 of this EUA (Obligations of the Member).
  3. 3. If the user is found to have violated the terms of this EUA, SIMS may delete all service-related information without the user's approval.

Article 12 (Providing Information & Posting Promotional Material)

  1. 1. In operating its services, SIMS can provide any number of various information to the users through numerous methods (i.e., posting it on the service).
  2. 2. SIMS can publish promotional material that it considered appropriate or beneficial to the service.

Article 13 (Management of Articles Submitted to SIMS)

  1. 1. The user has legal rights over the content of all articles that they post on SIMS message boards.
  2. 2. However, SIMS reserves the right to edit or publish the user's articles without the user's consent. SIMS can also delete the user's article without prior notice in the following events:
    1. 1) The user's post contains content that is against the EUA, illegal, lewd or violent.
    2. 2) The user's post contains defamatory statements (i.e., slander, libel) against other parties.
    3. 3) If the user's post goes against social order and public morals.
    4. 4) If the user's post is closely associated with criminal acts.
    5. 5) If the user's post infringes others’ rights. (i.e., copyrights of third parties)
    6. 6) If the user's post violates other relevant laws.
  3. 3. The user is solely responsible for all civil or criminal issues that may arise from copyright infringement in their posting.

Chapter 3 Obligations & Responsibilities

Article 14 (Obligations of SIMS)

  1. 1. SIMS will not conduct activities which are against the law, the EUA or public morals. It also has obligations to provide continuous, stable service.
  2. 2. SIMS will not reveal or distribute the user's personal information to any third parties without the user's specific consent. However, in accordance with the regulations in the "Basic Act on Telecommunications" and other related laws, exceptions are made when it is requested by the government. In addition, information may be shared with another organization if it is needed to manage the user information between SIMS and that organization.
  3. 3. SIMS must be equipped with proper security system to protect personal information (including credit information) to provide them with a safe environment when utilizing the services.
  4. 4. SIMS is not responsible for any difficulties that may be caused while using the services.

Article 15 (Obligations of the Members)

  1. 1. Information requested during member registration must be true and exact, and it must be regularly updated and maintained. The user may not permit others to use their Login ID and Password.
  2. 2. The user cannot copy, forward, duplicate, modify, translate, publish or broadcast information that was received via SIMS without specific approval from SIMS.
  3. 3. Members must not commit the following:
    1. 1) Illegally use another individual's Login ID and Password.
    2. 2) Transfer, post or send contents that are lewd, violent, or possess information that can infringe others’ privacy (via e-mail or other mediums of communication).
    3. 3) Use SIMS content elsewhere without citing the source.
    4. 4) Transfer, post or send contents that is protected by related laws or contract(via e-mail or other mediums of communication).
    5. 5) Transfer, post or send contents that infringe others’ patent, license, internal information, property rights (via e-mail or other mediums of communication).
    6. 6) Use e-mail or other means to send content that is not approved by SIMS. Some of these may include: advertisements, publications, unsolicited commercial e-mails, etc.
    7. 7) Collect or save others' personal information.
    8. 8) Be involved in criminal activity or associated with criminal intentions.
    9. 9) Be involved in activities that are against general public morals or social order.
    10. 10) Be involved in defamatory activities that hurt/insult the reputation of others.
    11. 11) Be involved in activities violating others' rights (i.e., intellectual property rights).
    12. 12) Be involved in on-line hacking or distributing computer viruses.
    13. 13) Constantly send promotional materials without the recipient’s approval.
    14. 14) Be involved in any activities that may potentially destabilize the operation of the service.
    15. 15) Change information posted in SIMS (excluding the user's own work).
    16. 16) Other activities in violation of any act outlined under the "User Agreement."

Chapter 4 Miscellaneous

Article 16 (Property of SIMS)

  1. 1. The services provided by the Web site, along with all software, image, logo, design, service name, data, brand, and any other intellectual property needed to operate this service, belongs to the Study in Korea Information Management System (SIMS).
  2. 2. Unless specifically approved, the user cannot modify, lend, sell, distribute, transfer, or re-license SIMS contents or services – in whole or in part, nor will the user be allowed to grant such permission to other third parties.

Article 17 (Prohibition of Transfer)

The user cannot transfer, sell, lend or otherwise grant access to the user's service privileges and user status in SIMS to third parties. Additionally, the service privileges and user status may not be used as a collateral.

Article 18 (Compensation of Damages)

Unless intentionally caused by SIMS, the system is not responsible for any damages or drawbacks that may result from its free services.

Article 19 (Exemption Clause)

  1. 1. SIMS will be exempt from all responsibility for service issues caused by unforeseeable reasons such as natural disasters, war, etc.
  2. 2. The Web site is not responsible for damages caused by cable line operatorsof electrical or telecommunication services.
  3. 3. SIMS is not responsible for damages caused by unavoidable reasons such as repairing, replacing, or inspection of its equipments.
  4. 4. SIMS is not responsible for damages caused by errors in the user's computer or failure to enter the correct data.
  5. 5. SIMS is not responsible for confirming or representing any suggestions or information posted in its services. Thus, it will not approve, oppose, nor modify any suggestions or information posted by third parties. Also, under no circumstances will the site be responsible for the user's profits or losses that result from using such information.
  6. 6. SIMS is not responsible for any product or monetary exchange via the service between the user and another third party. Also, it is not responsible for any profits the user may expect from such services.
  7. 7. The user is solely responsible for all information posted, sent and received via the service or e-mail. SIMS does not take any responsibility for them.
  8. 8. SIMS does not guarantee accuracy, completeness, or quality of service provided by the members of other related organizations. Therefore, SIMS is not responsible for any losses or damages that results from them.

Article 20 (District Court)

The Seoul Central District Court will be the district court for lawsuits on disputes resulting from service use.

Additional Clause

This agreement will be effective as of August 30th, 2012.
Personal Information Collection and Use (Mandatory Information)

Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information

  1. ‣ Personal information is collected and used to provide more convenient services for study abroad applications, scholarship applications, and related tasks, including certain content.

Items of Personal Information to be Collected

  1. ‣ Required: Name, ID, Password, Email Address, Nationality, Security Question and Answer
  2. ‣ Optional: Address, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Gender

Retention and Use Period of Personal Information: 2 years (until membership withdrawal)

Right to Refuse Consent and Consequences of Non-Consent

  1. ‣ You have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information in accordance with Article 15 of the Personal Information Protection Act. However, if you do not agree to the collection and use of the mandatory items, you will not be able to use services such as study abroad applications and scholarship applications. If you do not agree to the optional items, you may experience disadvantages in services related to study applications and other provided services.
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